Intro. 如果你是西红柿风味的狂热爱好者,那你一定不要错过这个食谱。这道番茄炖牛腩非常开胃下饭,暖胃又暖心,相信你的家人一定会喜欢的。大块的牛肉配着浓厚的番茄味汤汁,再用刚刚烤出来的新鲜面包蘸着吃,简直美味。一道老少咸宜的家常菜,快到你的厨房试试吧~ If you like the flavors and aroma of steaming tomatoes then this dish is for you. A lovely dish that will warm their tummy and their heart and leave your family feeling full and satisfied. Tender chunks of beef stewed in a tomato broth it’s just perfect with some freshly baked bread dipped into the thick delicious stew. It’s a great family meal, so take this recipe to your kitchen and enjoy.