有什么能比冬天在你家里闻到新鲜出炉的曲奇饼更好的呢? 用美食款待你的家人和你爱的人是最好的方式了,向他们展示你有多爱他们,为此他们也会更爱你。一个简单的美味奶油食谱,会让每个人都喜欢,试一试这款曲奇饼吧。
Mmm… winter baking and the smells of fresh warm baked cookies in your home, is there anything better?? Delight your family and loved ones with this delicious treat and show them how much you love them, they will certainly love you for this. A simple buttery, mouthwatering recipe but a favorite with everyone so have a go and give this one a try.