Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit/把烤箱加热到425华氏度
In a mixing bowl, toss carrots with 1 tbsp of olive oil, harissa, and salt and pepper. 把彩萝卜切成块,在碗里加一勺橄榄油拌匀,再撒上适量盐和胡椒 Spread the carrots evenly on a parchment lined baking sheet and place in the oven. Cook for 15-20 minutes, until golden and cooked through. 把萝卜摊开在烤盘上,烤15-20分钟
In a small mixing bowl, mix yogurt with honey and season with salt and pepper. Spoon yogurt onto a large serving platter / 在小碗里把酸奶,蜂蜜搅匀,然后撒一点盐和胡椒。拿出盘子,把拌好的酸奶舀出放在盘底
Toss arugula with remaining olive oil and place on top of the yogurt/ 把芝麻菜和剩下的橄榄油拌匀,然后放在盘中的酸奶上
Top with carrots and pistachios and serve/ 把开心果洒在烤好的彩萝卜上,拌匀,然后盛到芝麻菜上,就可以开始吃啦!
没有希腊酸奶 用其他的也可以!