蒸|荠菜包子Chive and Pork Steamed Buns的做法

蒸|荠菜包子Chive and Pork Steamed Buns

932人浏览 15人收藏 0人做过
作者: 喜迷李
年味记忆 素包子是妈妈的拿手绝活 爸爸喜欢吃荠菜 所以家里经常包荠菜包子 渐渐地我也爱上吃荠菜包子 面食这块儿我不会 我问妈妈怎么会的 她说看多了就会了 其实我回想 妈妈也是这几年才开始 在家蒸馒头和包子的 之前都是姥姥做的 她俩做的都很好吃 希望我以后也能自动就会 虽然现在我还不会揉面 哈哈哈哈 Ji Cai Da Bao Zi, or Chive and Pork Steamed Buns, are a type of Chinese dumplings filled with a mixture of chives and minced pork. These large-sized steamed buns are known for their fluffy texture and savory filling. The combination of the fragrant chives and tender pork creates a delicious and satisfying snack or meal option.


蒸|荠菜包子Chive and Pork Steamed Buns的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

第一步食材:调好的荠菜+多多的葱丁+炒鸡蛋铲碎+粉丝泡发切丁 The first step ingredients: pre-seasoned shepherd's purse + plenty of diced green onions + chopped scrambled eggs + rehydrated and diced vermicelli.

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

第二步调味:粉丝放入荠菜拌均匀(可加入少量香油)➡️依次加入鸡蛋碎和葱碎+浇热油+大呼的盐+蚝油+大呼的十三香+花椒粉,拌均匀 Add the vermicelli to the shepherd's purse and mix well (you can add a little sesame oil if desired) ➡️ Add the scrambled eggs and chopped green onions, pour hot oil, add a generous amount of salt, oyster sauce, a generous amount of thirteen-spice powder, and Sichuan peppercorn powder, mix well.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

第三步包:包包子(面提前准备好的忘了拍照😂此处省略)➡️蒸20分钟即可出锅。 Step three package: Bao Baozi (I forgot to take a picture of the ready-made dough in advance 😂, omitting it here) ➡️ Steam for 20 minutes and it is ready.

蒸|荠菜包子Chive and Pork Steamed Buns的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2023-02-05 23:20:54