鸡蛋中加入砂糖,用蛋抽搅拌至砂糖溶解。面粉、泡打粉混合后加入到蛋液中,搅拌至面糊顺滑。最后倒入融化黄油(室温)拌匀,面糊浓稠但顺滑。 Whisk together the egg and sugar, until sugar is dissolved. Combine flour and baking powder. Add dry ingredients to egg mixture, stir until smooth. Then pour in butter (room temperature), beat until batter is smooth.
拌好的面糊均匀分成两份,分别拌入艾草粉和黑芝麻粉。盖保鲜膜静置2小时以上,或放冰箱冷藏一晚。 Divide batter into 2 equal portions, mix in mugwort powder and black sesame powder separately. Cover batter with plastic wrap, let rest for 2 hours, or refrigerate overnight.
玛德琳模具内涂抹一层黄油,两种面糊随意交替着舀入模具,约九成满。放入预热至180摄氏度的烤箱,中层烤12分钟左右直到玛德琳长出大肚子,边缘颜色变深。稍冷却后脱模。Fill each Madeleine shell randomly with the 2 types of batter (~90% full). Place baking pan in middle rack of over preheated at 180 ℃, bake for 12 minutes, until cakes are puffed up in the middle, and the edges are golden brown. Slightly let cool and remove the Madeleine cakes.
不是所有绿色都是抹茶 哈哈
方子的玛德琳每只约7厘米长,蛋糕大小不一样烘烤时间也要调整 。 面糊一定要静置,才会有胖胖的好看的肚子。 更多中英对照菜谱 wx: 秋秋的日常食记