Fritto Misto 油炸杂烩的做法

Fritto Misto 油炸杂烩

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作者: daisy的笔记


Fritto Misto 油炸杂烩的做法步骤

步骤 1

Prepare all the vegetables and seafood. Season the calamari with salt and pepper to taste. 准备好所有蔬菜,将墨鱼圈加盐和黑椒粉调味。

步骤 2

In a mixing bowl, stir together all the dry ingredients for the fritto misto batter. Slowly stream in the club soda and incorporate it with a whisk until a smooth batter is formed. 在一个碗中混合所有裹料的干料,慢慢倒入苏打水混合,用叉子搅拌直到形成顺滑的浆料。

步骤 3

In a pan, heat the vegetable oil. Dip the different ingredients in the batter and fry in batches until golden brown. Make sure not to crowd the pan.锅里加热油,将准备好的蔬菜和墨鱼圈放在裹料中裹上浆放入油锅中炸至金黄。

步骤 4

Drain on paper towels. Serve garnised with fresh parsley and lemon wedges. 将炸好的蔬菜和墨鱼圈放在纸巾上吸干油份,用香叶碎和柠檬块装饰。

菜谱创建时间:2018-03-29 12:15:42