Season the chicken with salt and pepper and pan-sear in oil until it is golden brown and cooked through. 用盐和黑椒粉将鸡胸调味然后在锅中煎熟至金黄色。
Set it aside and let it rest. 在一边放凉待用。
Saute the onion and garlic in chicken juice. Add the flour and cook out its flavor, about 5 minutes. Add the wine and reduce to au sec. Add the stock and simmer to the right consistency(nappe). Add the butter and season with salt and pepper. 洋葱和蒜在鸡汁中煸香,加入面粉至有香味(约5分钟)。再加入白酒并收汁。加入高汤慢火煮到想要的稠度。加入黄油及盐、黑椒粉调味。
Serve the chicken with sauce on the bottom, garnished with parsley. 将酱汁放在盘底,鸡胸切块入在上面,并用香叶装饰。