Heat a frying pan and dry fry the chorizo for 2-3 minutes until lightly browned. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Add the onion and garlic to the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes until softed.
Add the pepper and barley, then add the stock, cover and simmer for 40 minutes until the barley is tender. Add the chorizo back into the pan, stir well and cook for a further 2 minutes before serving sprinkled with the parmesan cheese.
意大利马斯卡彭尼奶酪mascarpone 这款小品种奶酪因为提拉米苏的传说而让所有爱蛋糕的地球人尽知。马斯卡彭尼源于意大利, 质地类似奶油奶酪(cream cheese),但感觉更软糯,没有咸味。通常用做蛋糕,是提拉米苏的关键成分。也用来收稠酱汁, 如煮意式米饭risotto时, 用法和中餐的勾芡相似。