大白菜一切为四。白菜会缩小所以不要切得太小。去掉硬的菜心。Start by cutting your napa cabbage into fourths width-wise to create more bite-sized chunks. The cabbage will shrink so don't make these too small. Leave the tough cores out and discard or save for a later broth.
大盆中混合白菜和盐,用手搓揉(强烈建议戴手套)大约十分钟,应该可以看见白菜缩水了。然后加水,放置一小时左右。在白菜上面放一个盘子加一些重物保证白菜沉在底部。In a deep bowl, combine cut cabbage and salt and massage with your hands (gloves highly recommended!) for about 10 minutes. You should see the cabbage beginning to shrink and wilt. Then cover the cabbage with water and let it sit for about an hour. Place a plate with something heavy on top to keep it submerged.
制作辣椒酱。将所有制作酱的材料混合。加入一汤匙辣椒面(想更辣就多加一些)。可以不加糖,但是它可以加速发酵过程。To make the chili paste, combine all the paste ingredients and mix well to combine. Add 1 tablespoon of chili flakes or 3 if you like it extra spicy! You can leave out the sugar, but it really helps speed the fermentation process along as the bacteria feeds on the sugar.
白菜充分浸润以后,在冷水下充分冲洗五分钟,然后加入胡萝卜,白萝卜和大葱以及辣椒酱,充分擦满白菜叶(带上手套)。When the cabbage is done soaking, rinse it under cold water for about 5 minutes making sure to rinse all the leaves. Then add the carrots, radish and green onion plus the chili paste and rub into the cabbage leaves very well. Keep your gloves on because this will burn and discolor your hands!
用开水给装泡菜罐和盖子消毒。擦干。泡菜尽可能压实。一定要保证水漫过泡菜到罐子顶部。Clean a jar very well with very hot water, including the lid. Dry and prepare to fill. Pack the kimchi into a jar as tight as you can. Make sure to push the contents down until you see water bubbling to the top of the jar.
室温下发酵2 - 5天。当上面的泡菜太干的时候,你需要用干净的勺子把它们压到底下去。开盖食用后记得冷藏保存剩余的泡菜。 Let it ferment at room temperature for 2-5 days. Occasionally, you may reach into the jar with a clean spoon and push the contents down if they're looking too dry on top. After opening it up and eating it, refrigerate the leftovers. Enjoy!