Boston Baked Beans 波士顿焗豆的做法

Boston Baked Beans 波士顿焗豆

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From Allrecipes.com--I missed it soooooo much as whenever in the winter, Rogeee would prepare it to go with roasted beef, hot and cozy, super yummmmy! Quoted from the recipe author(AJRHODES3 ), "A wonderful old-fashioned baked bean flavor. This recipe has served by family for 29 years and originally came from my mother-in-law. It tastes great served with fresh cornbread or biscuits and honey. Although you need to allow time for soaking and simmering the beans, this recipe is still quite easy." 这个菜谱是从Allrecipes.com转过来, 应“滔滔爱吃面”所邀进行简单翻译, 我很怀念冬天在Rogeee家他做的版本, 搭配烤牛排, 非常美味又健康, 让整个冬天都变得温暖! 菜谱原作者(AJRHODES3)写到, “非常美味的传统烤豆子口味。这个菜谱最早来自于我的婆婆, 在我家已经流传了29年。它可以搭配玉米面包(我对字典里查到的这个名词表示怀疑, 然而我并不能准确描述这个叫什么才好, 吃过的人就懂了…)或者饼干和蜂蜜。虽然泡豆子和煮豆子会比较耗费时间, 但是这个菜谱总体来说还是比较容易的。”


Boston Baked Beans 波士顿焗豆的做法步骤

步骤 1

Soak beans overnight in cold water. Simmer the beans in the same water until tender, approximately 1 to 2 hours. Drain and reserve the liquid. 豆子在冷水中侵泡过夜。不用换水小火煮1至2个小时使豆子炖软。滤干豆子并保留汤汁。

步骤 2

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). 烤箱预热华氏325度/摄氏165度。

步骤 3

Arrange the beans in a 2 quart bean pot or casserole dish by placing a portion of the beans in the bottom of dish, and layering them with bacon and onion. 把豆子倒入2夸脱的豆子锅或者烤箱专用炖砂锅, 放入一部分豆子后把培根和洋葱碎也放入, 再放入其余的豆子。

步骤 4

In a saucepan, combine molasses, salt, pepper, dry mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour over beans. Pour in just enough of the reserved bean water to cover the beans. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil. 在小锅中, 把糖浆, 盐, 黑椒碎, 干芥末, 番茄沙司, 辣酱油/伍斯特沙司和红糖混合, 煮开之后倒在豆子上。倒入先前预留的煮豆子汤直到完全侵泡过豆子,盖上盖子或者用锡纸盖好。

步骤 5

Bake for 3 to 4 hours in the preheated oven, until beans are tender. Remove the lid about halfway through cooking, and add more liquid if necessary to prevent the beans from getting too dry. 在已经预热好的烤箱里烤3至4个小时直到豆子软烂。烤制中途可拿掉盖子, 同时注意加水不要让豆子太干。

Boston Baked Beans 波士顿焗豆的小贴士

Tip Aluminum foil can be used to keep food moist, cook it evenly, and make clean-up easier. 锡纸可以保持食物湿润并使其受热均匀, 最后便于清理。

菜谱创建时间:2015-12-08 16:29:02