Tres Leches Flan 三奶焦糖布丁的做法

Tres Leches Flan 三奶焦糖布丁

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摘自Schnucks Cooks Spring 2014。自己翻译。 "Our Tres Leches Flan is a combination of two beloved Mexican desserts - tres leches cake and flan. With condensed milk, evaporated milk and whole milk, our flan stays true to the ingredients of tres leches, or three milks." 1 (8 3/4-inch)foil pie pan 1个8.75寸的锡纸派盘 Active Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes plus cooling Serves: 6 Each serving: about 350 calories, 10 g total fat (6 g saturated), 122 mg cholesterol, 146 mg sodium, 55 g carbohydrate, 0 g fiber, 10 g protein 准备时间:10分钟 时间总计:1小时20分钟,含冷却时间 六人份 每份含:大约350大卡,10克脂肪(6克饱和脂肪),122毫克胆固醇,146毫克钠, 55克碳水化合物,0克纤维,10克蛋白质


Tres Leches Flan 三奶焦糖布丁的做法步骤

步骤 1

Preheat oven to 325°F。 In 2- to 3-quart saucepan, heat sugar and water over medium heat until sugar dissolves, gently stirring with wooden spoon or heat-safe rubber spatula. 烤箱预热325°F。在2到3夸脱大小的炖锅中以中火加热糖和水,直到糖融化。融化过程中轻轻以木勺或耐热刮刀搅拌。

步骤 2

Once sugar is dissolved stop stirring; let cook 6 to 8 minutes or until color is caramel brown, swirling pan occasionally. Pour caramel into pie pan; immediately tilt to coat bottom and partial sides of pie pan. 糖一旦融化即停止搅拌,煮6-8分钟或煮至糖水的颜色变成焦糖棕,其间不时旋转炖锅。将焦糖倒到派盘中,并立刻倾斜派盘使焦糖覆盖住派盘的底部和部分的侧面。

步骤 3

In large bowl, with whisk, lightly beat eggs; stir in milks and vanilla. Pour egg mixture over caramel in pie pan. Place rimmed baking pan in oven on rack; place pie pan in center of baking pan. Carefully add enough boiling water to baking pan to come halfway up side of pie pan. 在一个大碗里用打蛋器轻轻打散鸡蛋,加入三种奶和香草精搅匀。将蛋液倒在覆有焦糖的派盘中。将一个有边缘的烤盘放在烤箱中的烤架上,再将派盘放在烤盘中央。小心地在烤盘中加入开水,加到派盘一半的高度即可。

步骤 4

Bake flan 55 to 60 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. 烤55-60分钟或直到牙签插入中央部分不会带出布丁组织。

步骤 5

Cool flan on wire rack 2 hours. To serve, invert pie pan onto serving plate and remove pie pan. 将布丁放在烤架上冷却2小时。食用时将派盘倒扣在盘子上再移除派盘。

菜谱创建时间:2014-04-09 05:31:43