No bake fudge crumble bars的做法

No bake fudge crumble bars

16人浏览 2人收藏 0人做过
作者: DrHE
For the base and topping: 200g oat flour 50g rolled oats 50g myprotein salted caramel soy protein 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt 40ml maple syrup 2 tbsp milk 80g coconut oil, melted For the middle: 200g dark chocolate 100g peanut butter


No bake fudge crumble bars的做法步骤

步骤 1

Mix together all of the ingredients that will form the base and topping. The mixture should be slightly crumbly, but pack-down-able when you squeeze it between your fingers. Transfer 2/3 of the mixture into a lined 8x8 tin and pack it down evenly with your fingers or the back of a spoon. Pop the tin into the fridge while you get to melting the chocolate and peanut butter.

步骤 2

Add the chocolate and peanut butter into a microwaveable bowl and heat in 30 second intervals, until melted and fully combined. Remove the tin from the fridge and pour the melted chocolate onto the base layer, spreading it to the sides with the back of a spoon. Crumble over the remaining 1/3 of the base mixture. Return the tin to the fridge for 1 hour. Then, slice up, and ENJOY!

菜谱创建时间:2024-09-22 22:45:45