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作者: eater0ni
PAUL HOLLYWOOD’S CATERPILLAR CAKE 整个菜谱都搬过来啦。先翻译些我会做的步骤~ You will need 33 x 23cm Swiss roll tin, greased, then lined (base and sides) with baking paper 3 small piping bags, each fitted with a small star nozzle baking sheet, lined with baking paper 7cm round cutter or ring lined with acetate small flat plate, lined with a disc of baking paper small piping bag fitted with a small plain writing nozzle


CATERPILLAR CAKE 巧克力毛毛虫蛋糕卷的做法步骤

步骤 1

预热烤箱220度。 全蛋加入糖高速打发2-3分钟直到颜色变浅,呈丝带装(这该咋描述呀?) Make the sponge. Heat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F/Gas 7. Whisk the eggs and sugar in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk, on high speed for 2-3 minutes, until it is pale, thick and leaves a ribbon trail.

步骤 2

面粉和可可粉过筛倒入面糊中,用大的金属勺子轻柔搅拌,不要消泡。 Sift the flour and cocoa powder into the bowl and gently fold it in using a large metal spoon, taking care not to beat any of the air out of the mixture.

步骤 3

蛋糕糊倒入烤盘,抹平。烘烤10-12分钟,充分膨胀,表面结实并开始回缩。 取出。 Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and spread it evenly into the corners with a palette knife. Bake the sponge on the middle shelf for 10-12 minutes, until it is well risen, firm to the touch, and starts to shrink away from the sides of the tin. Remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 120°C/100°C fan/250°F/Gas ¾.

步骤 4

取比蛋糕卷大的油纸放在案板上,撒上砂糖。将蛋糕扣到油纸上,取下烘烤时的油纸。 找到短的边,在一边分别出2厘米后用刀划一条线,不要切断蛋糕体。 从短边将蛋糕卷起,晾凉。 Place a sheet of baking paper larger than the Swiss roll tin on the work surface and sprinkle with caster sugar. Carefully invert the cake onto the paper and remove the lining paper. Score a line 2cm in from the edge of one of the short sides, making sure you don't cut all the way through the sponge. Starting from the scored short side, tightly roll up the sponge using the paper to help, then transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely.

步骤 5

Swiss meringue 把蛋白、糖和盐隔水加热,用手持打蛋器打至糖溶解。继续搅拌3-5分钟,直至液体变浓稠可以拉出丝带装,温度到达71度。 For the Swiss meringue. Tip the sugar into a clean heatproof bowl with the egg whites and salt. Set the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and using an electric hand whisk, whisk until the sugar dissolves. Continue whisking for 3-5 minutes until the mixture thickens enough to hold a ribbon trail and the temperature on a sugar thermometer reaches 71°C/160°F.

步骤 6

把蛋白糊液体转移至厨师机,搅拌3分钟,直至膨胀到两倍大且浓稠有光泽。将蛋白糊分成了两份,其中一份留在厨师机中,另外一份在分成三份放入三个小碗中。 Spoon the mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, and whisk for 3 minutes until the mixture has doubled in volume and is thick and glossy. Divide half of the meringue between 3 small bowls, leaving the remaining half of the meringue in the mixer bowl.

步骤 7

给三个小碗中的蛋白糊调色。 Working with the meringue in the 3 bowls, colour one bowl green, one bowl red and one bowl yellow. Spoon each coloured meringue into a small piping bag fitted with a small star nozzle. (If you have only one nozzle, then work with one colour at a time, washing the nozzle in between.)

步骤 8

Using the red, yellow and green meringue, pipe 7 small meringue kisses of each colour, about the size of a hazelnut, onto the lined baking sheet. Using the green meringue, pipe six legs in an 'L' shape, measuring about 2 x 4cm, and six legs in a reverse 'L' shape. Pipe two green curved antennae, each about 4cm long. You can use any remaining meringue to pipe flowers to decorate the serving plate or board.

步骤 9

Bake the decorations for 45 minutes, until dry. Remove from the oven and leave to cool on the baking sheet.

步骤 10

Ganache coating: 在耐热的碗中加入巧克力和黄油备用。将奶油倒入锅里加热至刚刚烧开,倒入巧克力碗中。一分钟后搅拌至油亮。稍微冷却后可以使用。 Make the ganache coating. Put the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and set aside. Pour the cream into a pan and slowly bring it just to the boil. Pour it into the bowl with the chocolate and butter and leave the hot cream to melt them slightly for 1 minute, then stir until smooth and glossy. Leave the ganache to cool and thicken before using.

步骤 11

Caterpillar face 毛毛虫的脸 Prepare the caterpillar face. Melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water, stirring until smooth. Place the 7cm cutter in the middle of the lined plate and pour in the melted chocolate, then leave it to cool and set.

步骤 12

巧克力馅: 把巧克力隔水加热,搅拌至融化。稍微放凉。 Make the chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream filling. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir until melted, then remove from the heat and leave to cool.

步骤 13

用厨师机,蛋白霜面糊里慢慢加入黄油,低速搅拌至顺滑。拌入融化且稍微放凉的巧克力,放凉备用。 Gradually add the butter to the meringue in the bowl of the stand mixer, whisking continuously until smooth. Fold in the cooled, melted chocolate. Chill until ready to use.

步骤 14

组装: 蛋糕卷展开,短边冲自己,竖着切15刀,间距1.5cm,15cm长,切口顶端切断,最终切出14个缺口,像是钢琴键盘。 Assemble the caterpillar. Unroll the cooled Swiss roll and remove the baking paper. With one of the short sides facing you, make thirteen vertical cuts, 1.5cm apart and 15cm long into the sponge, so you now have fourteen strips of sponge that look like the keys on a piano. Cut the top of each alternate strip to remove seven sponge fingers (blitz or crumble these to make 'soil').

步骤 15

从没有切过的短边放入馅料,然后卷紧。放到架子上,慢慢倒上巧克力酱 Spread the filling over the sponge and re-roll the Swiss roll tightly from the other (non-cut) short end (the strips will make the ridges on the caterpillar body). Transfer the sponge to a wire rack set over a sheet of baking paper. Carefully pour the thickened ganache over the sponge roll to coat it smoothly, then gently transfer it to a serving plate or board. Arrange the coloured meringue kisses on the ridges of the caterpillar's body, then set the legs and antennae in place.

步骤 16

Decorate the face. Mix the icing sugar with a few drops of water and the black food-colouring paste to make a thick icing, then spoon it into the small piping bag fitted with the writing nozzle. Remove the set white chocolate disc from the mould.

步骤 17

Dust the work surface with cornflour and roll out the red and white fondants until 3mm thick. Cut out two white ovals for the eyes and roll two tiny white balls to add to the pupils. Using the red fondant, cut out two circles for the cheeks and a small tongue shape. Dampen the back of the fondant eyes with a little water and press them in place on the white-chocolate face. Using the black icing, pipe a pupil onto each eye, then pipe a mouth. Dampen the fondant cheeks and tongue and stick them in place on the face. Press a white fondant ball onto each pupil.

步骤 18

Press the caterpillar face onto the thick end of the Swiss roll - the ganache will help it stay in place. Arrange the meringue flowers and chocolate soil on the serving plate or board, to finish.

CATERPILLAR CAKE 巧克力毛毛虫蛋糕卷的小贴士

For the sponge 5 large eggs 125g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling 80g plain flour 50g cocoa powder For the Swiss meringue decorations 4 large egg whites 200g caster sugar red food colouring paste green food colouring paste yellow food colouring paste For the ganache coating 300ml double cream 200g 54% dark chocolate, chopped 15g unsalted butter For the chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream 110g dark 54% chocolate 110g unsalted butter, cubed and softened For the caterpillar face 75g white chocolate 50g icing sugar, sifted black food-colouring paste cornflour, for dusting 10g red fondant 10g white fondant EQUIPMENT You will need 33 x 23cm Swiss roll tin, greased, then lined (base and sides) with baking paper 3 small piping bags, each fitted with a small star nozzle baking sheet, lined with baking paper 7cm round cutter or ring lined with acetate small flat plate, lined with a disc of baking paper small piping bag fitted with a small plain writing nozzle

菜谱创建时间:2023-11-29 19:08:51