烤箱预热至170摄氏度。Preheat the oven to 170C.
平底锅大火烧热后转中火,将鸭腿带皮侧朝下,分批煎至鸭皮金黄,鸭油渗出后取出备用。Heat a large frying pan until hot, then reduce the heat to medium, add the duck legs in batches, and cook until the skin is crisp and golden brown. Remove the legs to a plate and set aside.
另起炒锅加植物油烧热后加入主菜蔬菜,蒜,香叶,百里香和迷迭香,中火翻炒10分钟后加入蕃茄膏继续翻炒2分钟。Heat the vegetable oil in a wok/wide casserole, add all the vegs, garlic, bay leaf, thyme and rosemary, and cook over a medium heat for 10 mins, then stir in the tomato puree and cook for a further 2 mins.
加入香料,然后加入苹果汁和鸡汤拌匀。将煎好的鸭腿摆入锅中,确保鸭腿被汤汁完全浸没。用烘焙油纸盖住锅子,入烤箱2小时(如果第2步使用的厨具不可以进烤箱,就在此处将食材转移到深烤盘中)。Addall the spices, then pour in the apple juice and stock. Stir everything together then place the duck legs back in the casserole, making sure they are covered with the liquid. Cover tightly with baking parchment and braise in the oven for 2 hours until very tender. (If the wok used in the previous step cannot go in to the oven, transfer everything to a deep baking dish before putting into the oven).
将鸭腿从烤盘中取出并放在关闭的或温度适中的烤箱中保温。将汤汁滤出(蔬菜保留),中火在汤锅中加热30分钟至汤汁粘稠。Remove from the oven, lift the duck legs out of the sauce and set aside. Cover and keep warm in the turned-off/very low oven. Strain the liquid into a sauce pan (keep the vegs), then heat the sauce over medium heat for 30 mins until the stock has reduced to a syrupy sauce.
将小土豆洗净切半蒸至半熟沥干水分,用第1步中剩余的鸭油中火煎至焦黄。青菜蒸熟备用。Steam or boil the baby potatoes to half cooked, then use the duck grase from Step 1 to fry the potatoes. Steam the cabbage.
摆盘,淋上酱汁,出餐。Put the duck legs onto each plate, spoon over the sauce and serve with the baby potatoes and steamed cabbage.