Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake
851人浏览 46人收藏 1人做过
Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake is a bakery store that originally began in 1990 on Oyafukou Street in the Hakata area of Fukuoka, Japan, and which sells Japanese cheesecake as its signature dish. The store was founded by Tetsushi Mizokami, the namesake for "Uncle Tetsu".
Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake的做法步骤
步骤 2
加入蛋黃,奶油, 檸檬汁, 檸檬皮,和牛油, 拌勻
步骤 3
蛋白中加入幾滴檸檬汁, 後分次加入70g白糖打發至乾性發泡
步骤 6
烤盤中倒入1/3高的水, 放入焗爐, 200°C / 392°F for 18 分鐘, 然後調低溫度到 140°C / 284°F for 35分鐘; 完成後, 室溫半小時後, 可以食用,放進冰箱, 口感更佳
菜谱创建时间:2020-05-30 03:14:25