How to prepare: * Mix the content of one bag with 3 spoons of sugar (50g) * Get 0.5L of milk * Use a little bit of that milk to dissolve the mix * Boil the rest of the milk * When the milk starts to boil, add the mix, and let it boil for another 4-5 minutes. ALWAYS keep mixing * Remove from the fire and pour into a mold (like a bowl or special pudding-shaped mold) * Optionally - add liquid caramel to the mold BEFORE pouring the mix * Let it cool down in the fridge for a few hours
要相信包装上的菜谱! 第一次做的话不要自行发挥! 不要自行发挥! 不要自行发挥! 我曾经不相信小小一包布丁粉居然可以做一大碗,然后自行又加了一包粉,结果很是悲剧。 最后的液体如果有颗粒,用漏网过滤一下就好啦,不用太纠结。