内馅:80克软化黄油(适量,能薄涂满面饼就行)+60克糖+2茶匙肉桂粉刮拌均匀(或者擀完面团直接用软化黄油涂抹在面饼上后再撒糖和肉桂粉)PS, 非常不建议减糖,不然只能尝到肉桂粉的味道而没有甜味;
丹麦友人的secret receipt, 想要尝试的可以自己翻译着做哟! ingredients: 50 grams fresh Yeast 3 tbsp. Sugar 1 DL. Oil 650 grams flour 5 DL. Water 1 tsp. Salt Recipe: Divide the yeast into a bowl, then sprinkle with sugar and salt over the yeast. Stir a little and then let the yeast melt by itself. Once the yeast has melted, come in oil, water and flour and stir well. If the dough is sticky, add more flour until the dough is as desired. Allow the dough to rise for 30 min. and set the oven to 225 degrees C alm. oven. Shape the buns as desired and then place them in the oven for about 10-15 minutes.