黄油香蕉佐冰淇淋Roasted Buttered Banana with Icecream的做法

黄油香蕉佐冰淇淋Roasted Buttered Banana with Icecream

215人浏览 6人收藏 0人做过
作者: GaJoS


黄油香蕉佐冰淇淋Roasted Buttered Banana with Icecream的做法步骤

步骤 1

香蕉去皮,纵剖为两半。Peel bananas, split them into two halves.

步骤 2

平底锅中加入黄油,加热至溶化。Add butter to a pan and heat until it melted.

步骤 3

放入香蕉,中小火加热至一面变色。Put bananas in and medium heat until one side change color.

步骤 4

翻面,煎至另一面变色。 香蕉容易溶掉,翻面时要小心。Turn bananas over, medium heat until another side change color.

步骤 5

放入白糖,煎至溶化。Put white sugar in the pan, heat until the sugar melted.

步骤 6

挤入金桔汁或柠檬汁,煮至汤汁浓稠即可。Squee juice(from Kumquat or lemon), boil until the liquid gets sticky.

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

摆盘,加入冰淇淋,这里我用了糯米雪糍,配少许薄荷叶。美味:)Put on a plate, and add ice cream. Here I used glutinous rice peel banana:) with some fresh mint leaves for decoration. Enjoy!!!!❤️

黄油香蕉佐冰淇淋Roasted Buttered Banana with Icecream的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2019-09-26 12:40:45