Flatbread 煎饼的做法

Flatbread 煎饼

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作者: daisy的笔记


Flatbread 煎饼的做法步骤

步骤 1

Heat the milk and butter in a pan until the butter is just melted. Mix together the wet mixture with the flour and salt. 牛奶和黄油在小锅中加热至黄油融化。将湿性材料和面粉、盐混合。

步骤 2

On a floured surface knead the dough for a few minutes until it is soft and pliable. 在一洒好面粉的台面上揉面几分钟直至面团柔软。

步骤 3

Wrap the dough in plastic and allow it to rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes. 将面团包裹在保鲜膜中室温醒发30分钟。

步骤 4

On a floured surface knead the dough in quarters and then roll into balls. Roll each ball into a flat pancake, about 1/8'' thick. 在洒了面粉的台面上揉面团分成四块,擀至1/8"厚的薄片。

步骤 5

Heat oil in a pan and cook the flatbread on one side for about 1-1.5 minutes. You should see bubbles form. Flip and cook on the other side. You will see the outside get browned. Cook at a higher heat if you want the bread more crispy--more of a "naan" consistency. Brush with butter on both sides and keep covered so it doesn't dry out. You may add chopped garlic to your butter for a garlic flavor. 油在平底锅中加热,下饼皮,看到泡泡形成后翻面煎,两面煎成金黄色后出锅,如想煎得脆可以开大些火。用黄油刷一煎好的饼,也可以将蒜在黄油中煸香刷上蒜香黄油。

Flatbread 煎饼的小贴士

This bread work very well for wraps, kabobs, falafel and even as a naan to dip in curry. 这个煎饼适用于warps, kabobs, falafel 或象naang一样蘸咖喱吃。

菜谱创建时间:2018-03-11 06:04:30