清理好四季豆之后洗净沥干,将过长的折成两段。沥干水分这一步非常重要,如果将湿漉漉的蔬菜倒进热油锅里油会四处飞溅,不仅危险而且清洁起来非常麻烦。 Trim the tough ends off the string beans, then cut them in half. Wash and drain them. Actually make them dry thouroghly is very important otherwise your kitchen will be a catastrophe if you put wet vegetable into high temperature oil.
锅中放入足以淹过四季豆的油量,放入四季豆油炸至金黄绵软,开始卷曲。炸好之后倒出多余的食用油,留一点在锅底即可。这一步需要注意的是不要用大火炸,容易糊锅,中小火即可。 Put enough oil(can submetrge vegetables will be better) and fry string beans on medium fire until they appear wrinkled and slightly scorched,with a golden coat is perfect. Then pour out the oil and leave 1/4 tea spoon in the pan.
将干辣椒碎、花椒、蒜粒和牛肉末放入留有少量油的锅里爆香,炒至牛肉完全变色后与炸好的四季豆混合翻炒,加入两勺菜,放入少量老抽调色,生抽调味,,白糖少许。盐菜已经带有咸味,所以是否需要放盐需要根据自己口味 调整。最后加入切好的香菜即可出锅。 Add in the Sichuan peppercorns, garlic ,dried chilies and minced bea(or porc)into the pan,stir-fry quickly to break up the beaf and brown the meat slightly. Add in the fried string beans,suimiyacai, light soy sauce,dark soy sauce, and sugar. Finish!
再介绍一下这道菜最重要的调料—盐菜,也称碎米 芽菜,这味在川菜里非常重要的调料最初产自宜宾地区,是一种用盐发酵而成的腌菜,干煸四季豆和四川烧白都离不开它。我在下厨房购买的这个牌子很不错。 The most importnt ingredient for this dish is suimiyacai,a kind of pickled vegetable from Sichuan Yibin. You can find it in food marketor Taobao.