【生酮ketogenic】低碳水凯撒沙拉酱Low-Carb Caesar Dressing
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1 tbsp=15 ml
1 tsp=5 ml
1 oz=28 g
1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml
Fat 87%
Protein 9%
Carbs 4%
3 g carbs / serving
【生酮ketogenic】低碳水凯撒沙拉酱Low-Carb Caesar Dressing的做法步骤
步骤 1
搅拌所有材料(除了盐)直至酱汁柔滑。最后加盐调味,如有需要可以加水稀释。 Whisk or blend the ingredients, except for the salt, in a beaker until the dressing is smooth. Salt to taste and/or dilute with water if desired.
菜谱创建时间:2016-11-06 21:01:53