按你自己喜欢的方式制作一杯咖啡。Make a cup of coffee your favorite way. We like to use a Turkish Coffee Pot. We simply simmer ground coffee in water for about 5 minutes and then strain it into our cup. You can also use a Moka Pot, a French press, or a coffee machine!
把泡好的咖啡倒进搅拌机,加入黄油和椰子油,搅拌10秒左右(根据自己的搅拌机酌情增加时间,我的话一般是二十秒左右)Pour your brewed coffee into your blender (like a Nutribullet) and butter and coconut oil. Blend for about 10 seconds. You'll see it instantly become light and creamy!
完成后就可以把咖啡到入杯子里享用了,如果你喜欢,也可以再加一些肉桂粉或者打发的鲜奶油。Pour the butter coffee into a mug and enjoy! Add in any other ingredients you’d like in this step like cinnamon or whipped cream!
草饲黄油我知道的有一个品牌金凯利Kerrygold,某宝有旗舰店。 咖啡不一定要咖啡豆,速溶黑咖啡也可以的。其实黄油咖啡很简单,就按平时的习惯冲好一杯咖啡,然后按自己喜好加黄油椰子油一起搅拌就ok了,真的很香,很好喝~