Tuscan Pappa al Pomodoro剩面包番茄汤的做法

Tuscan Pappa al Pomodoro剩面包番茄汤

19人浏览 0人做过
作者: annwoo
寒冷雨夜的意大利小馆跟主厨撒娇 得到一碗off menu的托斯卡纳剩面包番茄汤 好喝到灵魂出窍 立个flag ,等集齐了stalk bread和好番茄来试试


Tuscan Pappa al Pomodoro剩面包番茄汤的做法步骤

步骤 1

dried bread actually makes a better dish than stale bread. If the difference between the two seems trivial, it might help to know that staling and drying are two different, though often concurrent, processes: Staling refers to the recrystallization of the bread's starch, while drying describes a loss of moisture through evaporation. Staling leads to bread that's unpleasantly tough and firm, while drying (in the absence of staling) leads to a light, crisp texture, like that of a fresh crouton.

菜谱创建时间:2024-02-02 21:23:25