备菜:小干鱼冲洗干净控水备用;辣椒切段;毛豆洗干净控水备用;葱姜切丝。 Preparation: Rinse the small dried fish, drain and set aside; cut the chili into sections; rinse the edamame beans, drain and set aside; finely slice the green onion and ginger.
首先,锅内多放油!放入小干鱼中小火煸炒2分钟后加入一勺生抽和一勺香醋翻炒均匀;然后,加入葱姜丝煸炒出香味再加入毛豆翻炒5分钟至断生;最后,加入辣椒段和一勺鸡精一勺味精,煸炒2分钟左右即可出锅! First, add more oil to the pot! Add dried small fish and stir-fry over low heat for 2 minutes. Then, add a spoon of soy sauce and a spoon of vinegar, stir-fry evenly. Next, add shredded green onion and ginger, stir-fry until fragrant, then add edamame and stir-fry for 5 minutes until cooked. Finally, add chili pepper slices, a spoon of chicken essence, and a spoon of MSG, stir-fry for about 2 minutes before serving!