my ultimate banana bread的做法

my ultimate banana bread

10人浏览 0人做过
作者: Bonkers
* i swapped baking soda and baking powder into the ingredient below, could try next time with more baking soda to see how it pans out based on beth, adjustment with xiao gao jie and anna olson 1. use a large amount of vanilla extract -- add flavor taste in addition to sweet 2. reduced oil from 1/2 cup butter or 7/4 cup oil to 6 tbsp oil (from anna) * veggie oil is pure fat, more than butter 3. add baking powder to the pure baking soda leavening 4. per xiao gao jie, leave some butter and pecan and sugar on top for a nice crust recipe from Beth Entertainment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCJuAlJc1q0 xiao gao jie's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfKFiBhqP5U anna olson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FysjqRdpPzA


my ultimate banana bread的做法步骤

步骤 1

prep 1. toast pecan at 350F for 7 – 10 mins 2. bring out egg for room temp 3. take out banana if it's frozen

步骤 2

mash banana into puree

步骤 3

add in all # together# ingredients ! leave some sugar

步骤 4

add in flour and blend * don't overmix

步骤 5

add HALF of toasted pecan and chocolate chips

步骤 6

grease the pan pour in the batter

步骤 7

smooth the top, then add in the leftover sugar and pecan push the pecan into the batter so they stick to the bread better and won't burn as much slice several butter slices to spread on top

步骤 8

bake at 350F for 60 – 70 mins until a skewer comes out clean 11/4/2023: bake at 350F for 55 mins.

菜谱创建时间:2022-04-17 15:31:01