培根切宽条备用|Cut bacon into slices, set aside
洋葱如图切块备用|Roughly cut the onion into chunks, set aside
大蒜拍一下切大块备用|Pat the garlic then roughly cut, set aside
口蘑切片备用|Cut the mushrooms into slices
法香切碎备用| Mince the parsley and set aside
中火热锅,无油煎培根,随意翻炒至软|Preheat the frying pan with medium heat, fry the bacon without oil until soft.
加入洋葱块和大蒜,翻炒均匀(此时可开始煮意面,煮制时间参考包装)|Add chopped onions and garlic, well stir(at the same time, cook the spaghetti as instruction)
加入黑胡椒粉和蘑菇,加入白兰地翻炒均匀(忌口的话酒可省)|Add black pepper, mushrooms, and brandy, well stir(No wine if you don't like it)
倒入淡奶油和法香碎,炖煮2分钟即可|Add cream and parsley, stew about 2 minutes and done
装盘时撒些法香碎|Sprinkle some parsley before serve
#淡奶油可换全脂牛奶|Cream can change to whole milk #法香可换干欧芹碎|Fresh parsley can change to dry parsley #白兰地可换干白葡萄酒或省去|Brandy can change to white wine or no wine