Mix together the oil, egg and milk in a bowl. 将油、鸡蛋和牛奶在一个碗里混合。
Add the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder, salt and spices and mix well until a batter is formed. 加入干性材料 - 面粉,泡打粉,盐和两种辣椒粉混合超均匀形成面浆。
Cut the onions and separate them into rings. Coat the rings in flour, them in the batter. 将洋葱横切半英寸宽并分成一个个圈。粘一层面粉一层面浆。
Heat vegetable oil to 350 F. Fry the rings until golden brown, flipping half-way to get even color. 油加热至350 华氏度。将粘了浆液的洋葱圈放入油锅中炸至两面金黄。
Drain on paper towels and season with salt to taste. Serve hot. 将炸好的洋葱圈放在厨房纸巾上滤一下油,洒上少许盐调味。趁热食用。