Low carb beef stroganoff的做法

Low carb beef stroganoff

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作者: ChinitaC


Low carb beef stroganoff的做法步骤

步骤 1

On a pan, High heat, add 1 tsp butter to foam, add beef. Don’t move the beef. Cook both side to brown.

步骤 2

Medium heat, 1tsp butter, add mushroom

步骤 3

Medium heat, 1tsp butter, add onion to stir and then garlic.

步骤 4

Add vinegar and scape up brown bits at bottom of pan. When vinegar almost evaporated, add wine and continue deglazing the pan.

步骤 5

When wine is almost evaporated, add beef stock and bring to a simmer. When reduced to half, add cream and stir until it is thick

步骤 6

Put back the beef and mushroom to the pan and mix gently. Add in sour cream, mustard, pepper and salt. Then sprinkle chives and parsley

菜谱创建时间:2018-10-19 12:13:11