【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包 The Low-Carb Bread的做法

【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包 The Low-Carb Bread

6.4万人浏览 3438人收藏 58人做过
作者: Llawlietp
转载自https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/the-low-carb-bread 食谱是6份的用量 1 tbsp=15 ml 1 tsp=5 ml 1 oz=28 g 1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml Fat 70% Protein 16% Carbs 5% 2 g carbs / serving


【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包 The Low-Carb Bread的做法步骤

步骤 1

烤箱预热至175℃,将干性材料在一个碗中混合均匀。Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.

步骤 2

加入开水,边加入醋以及蛋白,边用手持搅拌器搅拌约30秒。注意不要搅拌过度,浓稠程度类似培乐多。(橡皮泥)Bring the water to a boil and add this, the vinegar and egg whites to the bowl, while whisking with a hand mixer for about 30 seconds. Don't overmix the dough, the consistency should resemble Play-Doh.

步骤 3

面团分4或8份。Form with moist hands into 4 or 8 pieces of bread. You can also make hot dog or hamburger buns.

步骤 4

根据面包大小,放烤箱下层烤50-60分钟。轻敲面包顶部能听到清脆的空壳声时就烤好了。 Bake on lower rack in oven for 50–60 minutes, depending on the size of your bread. They’re done when you hear a hollow sound when tapping the bottom of the bun.

步骤 5

可以抹上黄油吃。储藏:放入冰箱冷藏或冷冻。Serve with butter and toppings of your choice. Store the bread in the fridge or freezer.

【生酮ketogenic】低碳水面包 The Low-Carb Bread的小贴士


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