融化巧克力(如果因为巧克力变软须放冰箱最好先把锡纸剥除否则变硬后无法快速剥除易碎的锡纸,虽然我费了半天劲以为剥干净了结果吃的时候蛋糕里还是有锡纸),leaving to cool slightly whilst doing the rest
Whisk the cream then add the cheese (mix cheese and sugar until smooth, whilst whisking slowly pour in the cream according to the recipe. The filling was very soft, can try)
Whisk with the chocolate but not on a high speed or it might split
Chop up the Daim and fold through the cheesecake mix
The cake melted easily, which might be the result of the fact that I didn't use double cream as specified in the recipe.