软化黄油 Softened butter
加入糖粉,搅拌均匀。不需要打发 Add powdered sugar and mix well
加入15ml鸡蛋液,搅拌均匀 put 15ml eggs liquid in the basin and mix well
倒入蔓越莓干。 Pour the cranberry.
倒入低筋面粉 Pour Cake flour
搅拌均匀,成为面团。放入长方形磨具。并放入冰箱冷冻至硬(约需要1个小时,是冷冻不是冷藏哦) Stir into dough. put it into the rectangle tool.Or you can use your hands to make it rectangle. Then put it in the fridge for an hour ,and notice must be frozen,not cold storage
冻硬的长方形面团用刀切成片。切好后放入干净的平底煎炒锅内。 cut the thick rectangle of dough with a knife into pieces.Then start baking
大约15分钟蔓越莓饼干就好啦,期间一定要开小火慢慢烤噢。 About 15 minutes Cranberry cookies is ok ~
1、 不用烤箱用钢锅,锅内一定要干净,不需要铺任何东西垫,直接放在锅内烤即可 2、初次做的朋友如果怕糊,可以打开看,但是要把锅盖的水汽擦干。开盖次数不要多 3、果干可以更换其他的葡萄干等。