粉紅檸檬水 Pink Lemonade的做法

粉紅檸檬水 Pink Lemonade

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作者: FiSweet
Pink lemonade is a rose-tinted beverage made from lemon juice, sugar, water, and some sort of red or pink dye (natural or artificial) for coloring. It first appeared in the United States around the mid-1800s, primarily at circuses and carnivals and then at street stands in New York City. It's so dreamy and it's a perfect summer drink! 粉紅檸檬水最早出現在18世紀中的美國,主要是在馬戲團和嘉年華會售賣,然後出現在紐約市街頭。漂亮的玫瑰色飲料從檸檬汁,糖,水和某種紅色或粉紅色染料(天然或人工)著色製成。它有著這般夢幻的顏色,是完美的夏季飲料喔~


粉紅檸檬水 Pink Lemonade的做法步骤

步骤 1

檸檬洗淨,一半切成片 Wash the lemon. Make half of it into slices.

步骤 2

剩下的半個檸檬,用手在一個碗中擠出汁 Using your hand, squeeze the juice out from the other half of the lemon.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

用殘餘在檸檬上的汁,把杯子邊沿弄濕 Wet the rim of the glass with the leftover juice in the lemon.

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

如圖般把杯子倒轉放進碗裏面黏上糖 Dunk the glass into a bowl of sugar to let it stick onto the rim.

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

按自己口味加入果汁,再加適量水汽水,攪勻後嚐一嘗,太酸的話就加些糖 / 蜜糖 According to your preference, add in the cranberry / rasberry juice. Pour in the water / sprite. Stir well and taste. If it's too sour, add in some sugar / honey.

粉紅檸檬水 Pink Lemonade的小贴士

* 不喜歡有氣而改用水的話, 果汁的量要相對減少喔 If you prefer still rather than sparkling, add in more cranberry/rasberry juice. * 想看看平常我都在煮些什麽的, 可以follow我的instagram @fisweet 或者查看我的instagram hastag #fisweetcookery

菜谱创建时间:2014-05-10 07:09:04