pineapple bun的做法

pineapple bun

3人浏览 0人做过
作者: Bonkers
adapted from linlin酱's recipe from 🍠 also janine's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxXt_uvt8mI adj in main dough: my egg white was 6 g extra (34 g total), so I ducked milk to 138 g, then I only used 112 g milk --- still too sticky this makes 8 bread ****** dough flour 270 g sugar 54 g heavy cream 46 g milk 144 g ---- I only used 112 g milk (26 g less liquid in total after cancelling out the extra egg white) --- need to be even less fresh yeast 6 g ----- active dry yeast (*.33) = 2 g (around 1/2 tsp) egg white 28 g --- mine had 6 g extra salt 2 g softened butter 21 g ****** pineapple topping softened butter 40 g sugar 40 g whole egg 32 g --- I used egg yolk instead pastry flour 72 g ---- I used 12 g corn starch and 60g flour almond flour 20 g ---- I used 10 g coconut powder


pineapple bun的做法步骤

步骤 1

topping: soften butter, beat up with sugar till fluffy. add in egg yolk, flour, and coconut powder mix well and leave in the fridge to firm up

步骤 2

main dough ---- mix all except salt and softened butter then mix in salt then butter

步骤 3

divide into 8 parts and rest for 15 mins *orig recipe had 75 g per bread, but mine was less

步骤 4

take out topping and divide into 8 parts for use * orig recipe had 30 g per topping

步骤 5

shape - wrap in filling, then add on topping *** maybe proof first then have topping up ---- easier to check out proof status

步骤 6

proof for 40 mins

步骤 7

bake at 381F for 14 mins I did 365F * 10 mins + 381F * 4 mins, bottom feels soft so adding another 380F for 5 mins (in oven during preheating)

菜谱创建时间:2023-04-09 12:28:15