糖醋小排骨 Sweet & Sour Pork Ribs的做法

糖醋小排骨 Sweet & Sour Pork Ribs

49人浏览 3人收藏 0人做过
作者: CaseyPika
Pork amount: 750g Sugar: 75g (1/10 of pork) Vinegar: 6 tbsp (same as sugar) Soy Sauce: 3 tbsp (half of vinegar) Cooking Wine: 1.5 tbsp (half of soy sauce) Water: 750ml (same as the pork amount)


糖醋小排骨 Sweet & Sour Pork Ribs的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

- Thaw 600g pork ribs and 150g pork belly meat in lurk warm water 温水猪排和五花肉化冰 - Rinse clean 洗干净肉块 - Drain and pat dry on paper towel 沥干,在厨房纸上吸干水份 - Saute in a large wok for 10 minutes on medium high heat (will see oil came out, the meat chunks were nicely browned) 大炒锅内中火翻炒10分钟(猪油从五花肉里出来了,肉块焦黄飘香)

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

- Add 75g brown sugar 加入猪肉1/10量的糖(冰糖,红糖都可以) - Stir fry until the meat chunks were covered by melted sugar 翻炒让糖化后均匀包裹肉块 - Boiling 750ml water 烧开水750毫升

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

- Add 1.5 tbsp cooking wine, 3 tbsp soy sauce and 3 tbsp vinegar. Mix well 加入1.5汤勺黄酒,3汤勺酱油和3汤勺香醋 - Add the 750ml hot water 加入750毫升开水 - Cook for 35 minutes with cover. Decrease the heat from Medium-High to Medium to Low-Medium every 10 minutes. 盖锅焖烧35分钟,每10分钟减低火力,从中大火到中火再到中小火

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

- Add 3 tbsp more vinegar to the cooked pork 再次加入3汤勺香醋 - Continue cooking for another 2 to 3 minutes. The heat level depends on how much liquid left in the wok. 翻炒2,3分钟,目的是收汁 - Done 好啦。

糖醋小排骨 Sweet & Sour Pork Ribs的小贴士

Sugar substitute: Blue Agave or Monk Fruit Sweetener

菜谱创建时间:2022-06-22 07:44:10