烤箱预热170摄氏度。将羊肉切成2厘米的厚片备用。将面粉用盐和胡椒调味,将羊肉外侧轻沾面粉备用。将一半的橄榄油在平底锅中烧热,分批将沾过面粉的羊排煎至两面金黄后装盘备用。Preheat the oven to 170C, cut the lamb into chops about 2cm thick. Season the flour with salt and pepper and use to dust the chops lightly. Heat half of the olive oil in a wide frying pan and fry the lamb in batches, for 2 minutes on each side or until evenly browned all over. Remove with a slotted spoon to a plate.
锅中添加少许油烧热后将洋葱,胡萝卜和蒜末炒至微焦(4-5分钟),用盐和胡椒调味。将剩余面粉倒入锅中继续翻炒1分钟。加入羊肉高汤和香草碎后搅匀,小或炖煮5-10分钟关火备用。Add a little more oil to the pan and fry the onion, carrots and garlic with a little seasoning for about 4-5 minutes until lightly browned. Tip in any remaining seasoned flour and fry for another minute or so. Pour the stock into the pan, stirring, and add the thyme and rosemary. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, then take the pan off the heat.
取一个深陶瓷烤盘刷慌有后将食材以一层羊肉一层蔬菜的顺序码到烤盘内,将土豆片叠放在顶层。每层土豆片之间刷黄油,用盐和胡椒调味。将火锅放入烤箱烤1.5-2小时至羊肉软烂,土豆片松脆。如果土豆过快上色可用锡纸遮挡。出炉后放置10-15分钟后可食用。Assemble the hotpot in a buttered, deep casserole dish. Layer the meat, browned vegs and sauce in the dish, seasoning well between each layer. Top with 2-3 layers of neatly overlapping potato slices, brushing each layer with butter and seasoning well. Cook for 1.5-2 hours until the meat is tender and the potatoes are golden brown and crisp around the edges. If the potatoes appear to be browning too quickly in the oven, cover loosely with a piece of foil. Leave the hotpot to stand for 10-15 minutes before serving.