Crème Caramel的做法

Crème Caramel

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作者: Bonkers
from Xiao Gao Jie ---- 4 servings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6HJXL_xK80&t=237s * when using la fermiere jars, 4 servings make 5 ramekins * when using 3 eggs, tried with 3 cups of milk and 1/4 (with a splash) of heavy cream, also 2 tbsp + 1 tsp sugar >>> good flavor, baked for 1 hour 34 mins and then rest in the oven till almost cooled, then chilled. It was not completely set after bake; works out well after chilling in the fridge overnight 萨姐的南腔北调Lisa's Kitchen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zJduJZpjrg double-ish xiao gao jie's recipe 2 loaf pans: 18cm x 9cm x 7cm 6-inch cake pan: recipe x 0.5 *********** comparison - caramel: sa jie has 5g less sugar and less water (20g water + 12.5 hot water) - custard: sa jie has 1 extra yolk, 10g extra sugar, way less (heavy cream 50g+milk 150g) but her custard layer is shorter


Crème Caramel的做法步骤

步骤 1

------ make caramel ------ heat water and sugar in high heat turn to low heat after bubbling till the bottom turns to amber, turn off heat and add in the 2nd batch of water

步骤 2

pour caramel to the bottom of the ramekin

步骤 3

--- pudding ---- in a saucepan, heat up heavy cream and milk till it boils * heavy cream helps the pudding solidify

步骤 4

beat up egg and sugar w/a whisk add in boiled milk mixture slowly to temper the eggs optional: sift the mixture (could also remove bubble on top after pouring in the ramekins; it doesn't affect the smoothness in the end)

步骤 5

pour in ramekin and remove bubbles at top; cover w/ aluminum foil

步骤 6

bake in hot waterbath at 300F for 40mins the pudding should be set but still jiggly. (it will solidify more while cooling) *** I used more cream than milk this time, and baked for 1.5 hour and turned off oven and let the custard sit in the waterbath while the oven is cooling down. it still didn't set much until after the time in the fridge

步骤 7

* alternatively, in the steamer, after water is boiling, put in ramekins and steam for 10 mins, then turn off heat and rest with the lid on for another 5 mins it should still be soft with the top formed --- with la fermiere jars, steam 15 mins, then rest with lid on for 10 mins

步骤 8

after cooled in room temp, put in fridge for at least 1 hour before serve

步骤 9

when serving, go across the edges with a knife and flip onto a plate. Give it a few shakes and let it fall onto the plate

Crème Caramel的小贴士

**** used more than 1 cup heavy cream but it ends up with a fat layer on top :/ **** 2nd time: 1+1/4 cup milk, 3/4 cup heavy cream; baked for 65 mins -- still has a layer on top **** if use cold milk to make pudding, it takes an extra 10 mins in the oven, but will also result in some bubbles around the edge because water will be evaporating during long bake in the end and form bubbles when leaving the pudding **** could also steam the pudding for 10 mins. Don't over steam it; it is really easy to have big bubbles for steaming b/c of the high temp

菜谱创建时间:2021-02-06 02:48:01