将烤盘刷少许黄油防粘,或铺烘焙油纸备用。Lightly butter the baking tray, or line with baking parchment.
将黄油软化后与糖分混合均匀,搅拌至打发颜色变浅。Soften the butter, mix together with the sugar and cream using an electric handheld whisk until light and fluffy.
将面粉,玉米淀粉和盐过筛后与打发的黄油混合均匀成团。Sift the flour, cornflour and salt into the butter mixture until smoothly combined. Knead to a soft dough.
将面团放在两张烘焙油纸中间,用擀面杖擀成1厘米厚片。用叉子在面饼上扎孔后,用饼干模具压出饼干放在烤盘中,将剩余面团揉圆再次擀开制作饼干,直到所有面团用尽。Roll out the dough between 2 pieces of baking parchment to a thickness of 1cm. Prick the dough all over with a fork and cut into biscuits. Re-roll the scraps for more biscuits.
将饼干冷藏30分钟,预热烤箱至170摄氏度,饼干烤制20分钟至边缘金黄。出炉后撒糖粉或砂糖装饰,放凉后装密封罐保存。Chill the shortbreads for 30 minutes, meanwhile, heat the oven to 170 C. Bake for 20 minutes until just turning golden brown at the edges. Leave to cool slightly, dust with sugar and leave to cool. Keep in an airtight container.