芋泥德式布丁塔(German-Style Taro Puree Pudding Tart)的做法

芋泥德式布丁塔(German-Style Taro Puree Pudding Tart)

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The latest web celebrity German-style pudding tart is coming~ The modified German-style pudding tart is completely low in fat, oil, and sugar! The combination of the crispy crepe of tart and taro puree causes a unique flavor. After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this German-style taro puree pudding tart. 最近超级火爆的网红德式布丁塔来喽~ 经过改良后的德式布丁塔是完全的低脂低油低糖哒! 口感绵密的芋泥搭配酥脆的外皮别有一番风味,一口下去简直不要太满足!!! 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款芋泥德式布丁塔哦~


芋泥德式布丁塔(German-Style Taro Puree Pudding Tart)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 6个纸杯蛋糕杯(Six paper cup of cupcakes) 不锈钢盆(Stainless steel Basin) 一次性手套(Disposable gloves) 电子秤(Electronic scale) 蒸锅(Food steamer) 搅拌机(Blender) 裱花袋(Pastry bag)

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将110克芋头大火隔水蒸大概25分钟。建议:一定要把芋头切的很小很小,在后期做芋头泥的时候会比较好搅拌。 Steam the 110g taro over water for about 25 minutes. Suggestion: be sure to cut the taro very small, in the later stage the taro puree will be better stirring.

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

在一个无水无油的不锈钢盆中加入125克低筋面粉和55克蛋清,并用筷子🥢 或者是勺子🥄 进行搅拌。 Mix 125 grams of flour and 55 grams of egg white in an oil-free stainless steel basin with chopsticks or a spoon.

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将刚才搅拌的差不多的面粉和蛋清的混合物用手揉成面团,揉的时候得快和用力这样可以让蛋清更好的融入到低筋面粉里面,揉到看不见面粉就可以了。 Knead the dough by hand, using the same mixture of flour and egg whites that you just stirred, as fast and as hard as you can so that the egg whites blend into the cake flour, until you can't see the flour anymore.

步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将面团分成6个小圆球,一个小圆球对应的是一份塔皮。 Divide the dough into six small spheres, one spheres corresponds to a tart.

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将一个小圆球放入一个纸杯蛋糕杯中,并用手将圆球根据杯子的形状捏成杯型,这样才可以很好的将里面的芋泥控制在塔中。 Place a small sphere in a cupcake cup and use your hand to shape the ball into a cup to keep the mashed taros in the tower from flowing out.

步骤 8
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将蒸好的芋头、70克的内酯豆腐、25克的蛋黄和35克的代糖倒入搅拌机中,进行搅拌大概两分钟。 Pour the steamed taro, 70 grams of lactone tofu, 25 grams of egg yolks and 35 grams of stevia into a blender and blend for about two minutes.

步骤 9
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将搅拌好的芋泥倒入一个空碗中,可以选择过滤一遍,不过一般用搅拌机搅拌的基本上是没有遗留下残渣的。 Pour the puree into an empty bowl. You can choose to strain the puree, but generally there's no residue left if using blender.

步骤 10
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将芋泥倒入裱花袋中,建议将裱花袋固定在一个碗中,以免在倒入芋泥的时候漏出。 Pour the mashed taro into the laminate bag. It is recommended to secure the bag in a bowl so that it does not leak while pouring the mashed taro.

步骤 11

预热烤箱170度!!! Preheat the oven to 170 degrees!!

步骤 12
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

在裱花袋的头部剪一个小口。用裱花袋依次在纸托中挤入大概8分满的芋泥。 Use a pastry bag to squeeze mashed taro puree into the cupcakes cup for 80% full.

步骤 13
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

6个纸托全部完成! All the 6 tarts are finished!

步骤 14
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

入烤箱喽!!!将纸托放入预热好的烤箱里,170度烤25分钟。 Put in the oven!! Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake at 170 degrees for 25 minutes.

步骤 15
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

出炉喽!!!!出炉后趁热将外面的纸杯蛋糕纸托撕掉,就可以吃用了! Remove the cupcake tray from the oven, tear off all the cupcake trays and serve!

步骤 16
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product.

步骤 17
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

这样一个低糖低油的芋泥德式布丁塔的总热量是637千卡,一共6份布丁塔,平均一个布丁塔的热量只有大概106千卡哦~对减肥人士是非常友好的,既美味又健康。一天吃1-2个完全没有任何负担~ The total calorie of this taro puree tarts is 637 calories, contained altogether has 6 tarts, so the average calorie of a tart is 106 calories which is very friendly to diet people, both delicious and healthy, low in calories. Eat 1-2 cupcakes a day without any burden at all.

步骤 18

这款芋泥布丁塔对患有糖尿病的人也是非常友好的,吃一到两个也是完全没有问题的。研究表明,芋头虽然含有蛮高的淀粉,但是它同时也含有黏蛋白,矿物质锌,维生素b1,多聚糖等有效的营养成分,也就是说它能够有效的降低血压,胆固醇以及血糖,所以患有糖尿病的人吃少量的芋头是完全没有任何问题的。由于不用考虑卡路里,所以在做塔皮的时候可以选择性的加入30克黄油,这样做出来的塔皮口感会更加的酥脆,味道会更加的浓香。 The taro pudding-tart is also very friendly to people with diabetes and is perfectly fine to eat one or two. Studies have shown that although taro is high in starch, it also contains active nutrients such as glutin, the mineral zinc, vitamin B1, and polysaccharides, which means it is effective in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, so people with diabetes have no problem eating a small amount of taro. As people with diabetics doesn’t have to consider calories, you can optionally add 30 grams of butter to the crepe of tarts, which will make the crepe of tarts more crispy and more fragrant.

芋泥德式布丁塔(German-Style Taro Puree Pudding Tart)的小贴士

1. 由于可能有些人对豆腥味比较的敏感,所以在做芋泥的时候,可以选择性的将内酯豆腐的用量减少或替换成脱脂牛奶,从而增添奶香和使芋泥更加的丝滑和减少芋泥中的豆腥味。不过芋头和豆腐搭配的味道还是相当惊艳的! Some people may be sensitive to beany, so when making mashed taro, you can selectively reduce the amount of Lactone tofu or replace it with skim milk, which can add milk flavor and make the mashed taro silkier and reduce beany. However, the combination of taro and tofu taste amazing. 2. 新手注意!!!在制作的过程中一定不能忘记预热烤箱!!!如果不预热烤箱,那么烤箱在烤的过程中就会因为温度的不稳定上升导致布丁塔的口感非常不好,甚至会失去水分导致中间的芋泥很干不绵密了。 Novice attention!! Please don't forget to preheat the oven!! If you don't preheat the oven, because the unstable temperature of the oven will cause the taste of tarts not good. It will even lose its moisture and the mashed taro will become very dry. 3. 烤箱的温度和烤蛋糕的时间不是固定的的,每个烤箱的“脾气”都是不一样的,温度和时间主要是取决于自家烤箱的温度。 The temperature of the oven and the time of baking the cake are not fixed. The "temper" of each oven is not the same. The temperature and time depend mainly on the temperature of your oven. 4. 材料表中的克数并不是硬性的,材料的克数出现1-2克的偏差是完全没有问题的。 The number of grams in the recipe table does not have a rigid requirement, and there is no problem with a deviation of one or two grams.

菜谱创建时间:2020-11-28 19:54:12