蝶豆花千层蛋糕(Butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake)的做法

蝶豆花千层蛋糕(Butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake)

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The blue hazing butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake with a delicate appearance is coming~ The surprising collision between the thin cake layer and the dense yam puree brings an unprecedented taste that melts in your mouth immediately after you have it and is not greasy at all! The hazing blue in the cake is the natural "pigment" in flower bean flower, it is absolutely healthy! This recipe is completely low in fat sugar and oil! After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake. 颜值超高的雾霾蓝千层蛋糕来啦~ 薄薄的饼层与口感绵密的山药泥之间惊喜的碰撞带来一种前所未有的口感,入口即化,一点都不腻哦~ 蛋糕中的雾霾蓝是碟豆花中的天然“色素”,是绝对健康的! 这篇食谱中的碟豆花千层蛋糕是完全的低脂低油低糖哒! 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款碟豆花千层蛋糕哦~


蝶豆花千层蛋糕(Butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 1. 滤网 (Sieve) 2. 6寸蛋糕模具(慕斯模具)6 inches cake mold (mousse mold) 3. 烤箱 (The oven) 4. 不锈钢盆(Stainless steel Basin) 5. 手动打蛋器(Hand beater) 6. 电子秤(Electronic scale) 7. 奶锅/不粘锅的锅(A milk pan/non-stick pan) 8. 6寸平底锅(6 inch pan) 9. 电动打蛋器(Electric beater)

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将称好的150克全蛋(大约3-4个鸡蛋)搅拌均匀。 Whisk together 150 grams of whole eggs (about 3-4 eggs).

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将称好的330克脱脂牛奶倒入不粘锅或者是奶锅中,再加入称好的5克蝶豆花,开小火煮大概5分钟。新手注意啦!!!煮的时候一定要小火,不然牛奶都会被稀释掉了。 Pour 330g of skimmed milk into a non-stick or milk pan, add 5g of buttercup and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Novice attention!! Ensure to boil it on a low heat, or the milk will be diluted.

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

当看到锅中的牛奶呈现出淡淡的蓝色时,关火!让蝶豆花在热牛奶中浸泡,这样既不用担心牛奶全被稀释掉,最后呈现出的颜色也会更加的鲜艳好看。 When you see the milk in the pan take on a faint blue tint, turn off the fire! Let the butterfly bean flower soak in the hot milk, so that you do not have to worry about the milk is all diluted, the final color will be more bright and beautiful.

步骤 6
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

关火后,逞着牛奶还是热的,加入称好的25克零卡糖,并搅拌均匀。 When the heat is off and the milk is still warm, add 25 grams of stevia and stir well.

步骤 7
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将牛奶倒入到滤网中过滤,以免有一些蝶豆花的残渣影响千层皮的口感。过滤后的牛奶放凉备用。 Pour the milk into the sieve to filter, so as not to have some butterfly bean flower residue affect the taste of the crepes. Let the filtered milk cool and set aside.

步骤 8
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将5克无盐黄油隔热水融化成溶液。 Melt 5 grams of unsalted butter over heat insulation water.

步骤 9
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将融化好了的黄油溶液加入到牛奶中搅拌均匀,使黄油溶液跟牛奶合二为一。注意:搅拌均匀后,黄油溶液可能会浮在牛奶表层上方,这是属于正常现象,不必担心,不必惊慌哦~ Add the melted butter to the milk and stir until the butter and milk get together. Note: The butter may float above the surface of the milk after mixing well which is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to worry or panic of it.

步骤 10
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将搅拌均匀后的溶液分三次加入到打好的鸡蛋液中,新手注意啦!一定要分三次加入溶液,不然溶液呈现出的颜色效果就会很奇怪,在加入溶液的过程中,需要时刻注意颜色的变化。 Add the beaten egg to the mixture in three times, otherwise the color of the mixture will be very strange. During the process of adding, the color change should be paid attention to all the time.

步骤 11
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

在搅拌好的溶液中加入称好的70克低筋面粉. Add 70 grams of cake flour into the stirred mixture.

步骤 12
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将面糊倒入滤网中过滤。建议过滤两次,这样做出来的千层皮口感会更加的细腻和感觉没有杂质。在过滤的过程中,需要用刮刀将那些没有融化的面粉全部压到面糊中,这样面糊的材料比例才不会出错。 Strain the batter into a sieve. It is recommended to filter twice, so that the taste of the crepe will be more delicate and feel without impurities. During the filtering process, you need to use a spatula to press all the unmelted flour into the batter, so that the batter proportion is not wrong.

步骤 13
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

开始摊千层皮喽~首先,将不粘锅烧热。调小火,单手提起锅,挖一汤勺的面糊倒入锅中,马上将锅绕一圈,尽量让整个锅面都沾上面糊,再将锅放火上煎大概6秒。当看到面皮起泡时,马上将锅拿起,并用刮刀轻挑面皮的一侧放空气,并马上倒扣到架子上放凉。重复这样的步骤直到摊完所有的面糊。按照此配方,大概可以摊13张面皮。 Firstly, heat a 6-inch pan. Then lower the heat, scoop the batter into the middle of the pan and quickly swirl it around in a circle to cover the bottom. Cook until the batter bubbles and which usually takes 6 seconds. Carefully remove the finished crepe by spatula and place to the rack to cool down the crepe. Repeated this until all there is no batter left. It will be about 13 crepes due to the dosage of ingredients.

步骤 14
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将摊完的所有面皮对折放凉备用。 Fold all the crepe in half and let it cool down.

步骤 15
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

用6寸的慕斯模具将面皮的毛边切除,个人不太喜欢那样毛毛的边,所以会选择切除,但这不是强制步骤,如果喜欢那种毛边的感觉的话,这一步可以省略。 Use a 6-inch mousse mold to remove the rough edges of the crepe. Personally, I don't like the rough edges, so I choose to remove them, but this is not a mandatory step. If you like the rough edges, you can omit this step.

步骤 16
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

切完边后面皮的效果。 The effect of the crepe after removing the rough edges.

步骤 17
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将称好的300克山药大火隔水蒸大概35-40分钟。 Steam the 300g yam over water for about 35-40 minutes.

步骤 18
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将蒸好的山药倒入一个无水无油的不锈钢盆中,用勺子将山药压成泥状。 加入称好的40克脱脂牛奶。 Pour the steamed yam into a stainless steel basin without water or oil. Use a spoon to crush the yam into a puree. Add 40g skimmed milk.

步骤 19
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

用电动打蛋器将山药打成更加细腻的山药泥,打的过程会比较漫长,打的时间越久,山药泥的口感就会更加的细腻。 Beat the yam into the yam puree with an electric beater, the beating process will be long, but the longer beating time, the more delicate the taste of yam puree.

步骤 20
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将山药泥装到裱花袋中。注意喽!最好将裱花袋的口往外翻,这样会比较好装山药泥进去,也不会弄到手。 Place the yam puree into a pastry bag. It is better to turn out the mouth of the bag so that it will be easier to put the yam puree in.

步骤 21
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

开始组装喽~在底托的中间铺一层千层皮,并在千层皮上面挤一层山药泥并涂抹均匀。山药泥大概抹到千层皮的9成左右,这样会有一种下垂的感觉。 Start the assembly ~ Put a crepe in the center of the cake plate, and squeeze a layer of yam puree, spread it out to the 90% out of the edges and smear evenly.

步骤 22
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

将山药泥抹平,抹圆之后,再在上面盖一层千层皮,并在千层皮上挤一层山药泥并抹匀。注意哦~每一层的山药泥都尽量抹平,边边也要尽量抹圆哦~这样成品会比较好看的。 Cover the yam puree with a layer of crepe, squeeze a layer of yam puree on the crepe and spread evenly. Note that every layer of yam puree should be as flat as possible, and the edge should also be as round as possible, so that the finished product will be more delicacy.

步骤 23
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

当铺三层千层皮后,第四张千层皮上就可以放水果啦!首先,先挤上一点点的山药泥,并抹匀,用于固定水果。其次铺上满满一层的水果。在水果上在挤一点点山药泥,并抹均,也是用于固定水果的,这样水果才不会掉下来。 After laying three layers of crepe, the fourth piece of crepe can be put the fruit! First, squeeze a little of the yam puree and spread it evenly for fix the fruit. Next, cover with a layer of fruit. A little bit of yam puree is put on the fruit, and it's also used to fix the fruit so it doesn't fall off.

步骤 24
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

这样以此类推,放一层皮就抹一层山药泥,每放三层千层皮后,就放一层水果直到全部的千层皮都用完就可以了。全部抹完之后,可以用手轻轻的向内按压,整理千层皮的边缘。 In the same way, apply a layer of yam puree with one layer of crepe, and put a layer of fruit after every three layers of crepe until all the crepe are used up. After using all crepe, you can gently press inward with your hand to finalize the edge of the crepes.

步骤 25

在千层蛋糕的表面和周围盖上一层保鲜膜。放入冰箱冷藏大概4个小时以上,就可以食用了!新手注意啦!!!放冰箱冷藏前,一定要盖上保鲜膜,不然冷藏了4个小时的千层蛋糕的千层皮会变的很硬,也会变色哦~ Cover the top and sides of the cake with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for about 4 hours and serve! Novice attention!! Before refrigerating, ensure to cover with cling film, otherwise refrigerated for 4 hours of crepe will become very hard which not taste good, the color will also change.

步骤 26
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product.

步骤 27
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

这款蝶豆花千层蛋糕的总热量是818千卡,平均分成6块的话,一块蝶豆花千层蛋糕也是只有大概136千卡哦~不要看它的热量超过100千卡就觉得它热量高,但是相比其他千层蛋糕来说,它已经非常的低卡了,而且这款蛋糕颜值还特别的高,减肥人士如果吃一块解解嘴馋的话,是完全没有任何问题的哦~ The total calorie of this Butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake is 818 calories, If cut into 6 pieces on average, one piece is only 136 calories. Don't concern the calories of this cake is more than 100 calories, then it’s not a healthy cake with high calorie, but compared to other ordinary crepe cake, it has been very low calorie, and the appearance of this cake is also particularly delicate, so a dieter eat 1 piece of crepe cake with no concerns and problem.

蝶豆花千层蛋糕(Butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake)的小贴士

1. 这款碟豆花千层蛋糕对患有糖尿病的人也是非常友好的,吃一到两块是完全没有问题的。原料中的水果是含有丰富的花青素、维生素和水溶性膳食纤维的火龙果, 它是一种绿色营养水果,所以糖尿病患者也是可以少量食用的。在选择原材料的时候需要比较注意,就比如可以将脱脂奶换成全脂奶,或者是含有丰富营养的鲜奶。 This butterfly pea flower mille crepe cake is also very friendly to people with diabetes and it is perfectly acceptable to eat one or two slices. The fruit in the ingredient table is the dragon fruit that contains rich anthocyanin, vitamin, and water-soluble dietary fiber which is a kind of green nutrition fruit, so people with diabetics can also eat a small amount of dragon fruit. Having to pay more attention on choosing ingredients, for example, you can choose to replace the skim milk by whole milk or fresh milk with nutritional value. 2. 一般千层蛋糕的最底层都会垫一层薄薄的蛋糕胚,这样会使千层蛋糕做出来的造型非常的好看,甚至边边有一种下垂的感觉。个人还是比较建议新手做千层蛋糕的时候,在最底部垫一层蛋糕胚,大概2-3cm高的蛋糕胚就行,因为蛋糕胚在做的时候也可以帮助定型,不然很容易做着做着蛋糕就变的越来越小了。 Generally, the bottom layer of the cake will be covered with a thin layer of chiffon cake, which will make the shape of the cake looks good, and even have a drooping feeling. I still recommend beginners to put a layer of chiffon cake at the bottom when making a mille crepe cake, a bottom layer about 2-3cm high is enough, because it can also help finalize the shape during the making, otherwise, it is easy to make the cake smaller and smaller while making. 3. 做千层蛋糕的时候,虽然黄油是一个不可避免的原材料,所以只能选择少量的加入黄油,如果不加黄油会导致在摊千层皮的时候严重粘锅。 Butter is an inevitable ingredient, but when making the crepe, only choose to add a small amount of butter. If you don't add butter, it will cause a very sticky pan when cook crepe. 4. 每摊一张面皮前都需要将面糊上下均匀搅拌,因为黄油比较容易浮在表面,面粉容易沉在溶液底部。面糊放的越少,面皮就会越薄,也很不容易让整个锅面都沾上面糊。 You need to mix the batter up and down before you cook it because the butter floats and the flour sinks to the bottom of the mixture. The less batter you put in, the thinner the crepe will be, it's very difficult to get the batter all over the pan.

菜谱创建时间:2020-11-20 22:15:47