將500ml的牛奶,50ml鮮奶油,粟粉25克,糖75克,可可粉25克混合在一個料理盆。 Mix 500ml of milk, 50ml of Heavy cream ,25g of starch ,75g of sugar, 25g of cocoa powder in a cooking bowl
把混合物過篩,加入已融化的黑巧克力並攪拌均勻 Sieve the mixture, add the melted dark chocolate and stir well
在另一个料理盆中将500ml的牛奶,50ml鲜奶油,粟粉25克,糖75克,抺茶粉25克混合。 In another cooking bowl, mix 500ml of milk, 50ml of Heavy cream ,25g of starch ,75g of sugar, 25g of Matcha powder
把混合物過篩,加入已融化的白巧克力並攪拌均勻 Sieve the mixture, add the melted white chocolate and stir well
将已加入巧克力的混合物在锅中一边加热一边搅拌均勻 抹茶的混合物同樣需要加熱Heat the chocolate mixture in a pot and stir well The mixture of Matcha also needs to be heated
将抹茶慕丝倒入蛋糕模具中,然后将黑巧克力慕丝倒在上面。冷藏4小时,取出脱模,按个人喜好在表面加上适量抺茶粉装饰。Pour the matcha mousse into the cake mold, and pour the dark chocolate mousse on top. Refrigerate for 4 hours, remove the mold, and add matcha powder to the surface according to personal preference.