Separate 3 large eggs into yolks and whites. 将三个鸡蛋蛋清蛋黄分离。
Whisk together the canola oil and egg yolks until evenly combined in a large bowl. 蛋黄加入适量食用菜籽油后搅拌均匀。
Add 1 teaspoon of baking powder ,20 grams of cocoa powder, 10 grams of coconut powder and milk ,mix them until combined, no particles remained. 加入发酵粉、可可粉、椰子粉和牛奶搅拌均匀直到没有颗粒。
Sift cake flour, continue mix them until combined, no particles remained. 低级面粉过筛,继续搅拌均匀直到没有颗粒。
Beat the egg whites and the lemon juice until very glossy and stiff peaks form when the beater is raised, add sugar in three parts. 在蛋清中加入柠檬汁,白砂糖分三次加入,一直搅拌直到搅拌器抬起时出现光滑硬挺的峰。
Gently fold the meringue into the batter in three parts, folding until partially blended in between and then folding until completely incorporated after the last addtion. 将打发的蛋清分三次加入刚刚搅拌好的面糊中,直至完全混合。
Preheat the oven twenty minutes or longer before baking, preheat the oven to 150℃. Bake the cake for 40 to 50 minutes. 将烤箱预热二十多分钟,直到温度达到150℃,烘烤40到50分钟。
Done. 好咯。
From:<096 烘焙圣经丨The Baking Bible>Page 170