西班牙海鲜饭 Paella的做法

西班牙海鲜饭 Paella

125人浏览 4人收藏 1人做过
作者: Jo_1010
感觉自己好像很少做这么简单的食物,虽然食材众多,但是操作真的很简单,可以零基础上手的那种。 我会觉得这是一道很适合家庭聚会时做的食物,虽然今天只有两个人,我还是做了8到10人份的量如果人少或者吃的不多的,就按照自己需求按比例减少食材的量就好~食谱已经将不好找又很贵的藏红花去掉了,但藏红花是海鲜饭黄黄的颜色的来源,所以这个成品会是番茄色的,不会像正宗海鲜饭一样是黄色的哦!


西班牙海鲜饭 Paella的做法步骤

步骤 1

热锅中加入少许橄榄油烧热,加入洋葱和红彩椒翻炒2至3分钟至炒软。加入蒜片继续炒2分钟。Heat a little olive oil in a pan. Add the onion and red pepper and saute for 2-3 minutes to soften. Add the garlic and saute for a further 2 minutes.

步骤 2

将鸡肉切成适当大小,用盐和胡椒调味。将准备好的鸡肉放入锅中大火翻炒至表面金黄。Meanwhile, cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and season with salt and pepper. Add to the pan and fry for a few minutes over a high heat, stirring frequently, to lightly seal the meat.

步骤 3

将洗好的大米加入到锅中翻炒2至3分钟,加入白葡萄酒翻炒5分钟,然后加入鸡汤。将锅中所有食材搅匀并煮至开锅,加入番茄,用盐和胡椒调味。Tip in the rice and stir for 2-3 minutes, then add the wine and cook for about 5 minutes before adding the stock. Bring up to a simmer, then add the tomatoes. Season with saltand pepper and stir well.

步骤 4

煮10分钟左右后,加入虾和贝类中火煮5分钟。如果使用青口贝,5分钟后将没开口的贝壳扔掉,如使用扇贝肉则无需这一步。加入鱿鱼圈和青豆煮2至3分钟。Simmer for 10 minutes, then gently push the mussels and prawns into the top of the rice. Cook over a medium heat for 5 minutes (if using mussels, cook until the mussels have opened (discard any that haven't)). Stir in the squid and the peas and cook for a further 2-3 minutes.

步骤 5

关火前再次确认是否需要调味,关火后加盖焖10分钟。Taste and adjust the seasoning as nevessary, remove the pan from the heat, cover tightly with foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes.

西班牙海鲜饭 Paella的小贴士

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菜谱创建时间:2020-03-13 18:44:07