主要原料登场 牛腩肉、牛筋、生抽、老抽、香叶、桂皮、啤酒、白酒等 Main raw materials Sirloin, OX tendon, raw soy sauce, old soy sauce, fragrant leaves, Chineses cinnamon, beer, liquor, etc
切小块之后再冷水中浸泡半个小时以上,将血水泡出 Cut into small pieces and soak them in cold water for more than half an hour to soak the blood out.
烧开水,将浸泡后的肉块放入沸水中焯,会看到很多带血油乎乎的泡沫发出来。 Pour the meat into boiling water, and see a lot of blood and oil bubbles.
煮上五六分钟之后用漏网将这些血水滤去,等肉自然晾干。 Boil for five or six minutes, then filter out the blood with a sieve and let the meat dry naturally.
某宝上有卤肉包,这个很好用,里面都配好了花椒、麻椒。肉桂、八角等。铁锅中放油,然后加入卤肉包爆香后将晾干的牛肉块翻炒,同时加入盐、少量生抽和老抽。 There is a pot-stewed meet on Taobao net. It's easy to use because it's all matched with Sichuan pepper and pepper,Chinese cinnamon, star anise, etc. First you need to put the oil in the iron pot, then add the marinated meat and stir fry the dried beef pieces, then add salt, a small amount of raw soy sauce and old soy sauce.
翻炒发出滋滋滋的声音之后,加入少量的啤酒和温开水,同时加入一勺白酒去腥。待加入的温开水沸腾之后大火转小火煮两个小时。Stir fry to make a sizzling sound, add a small amount of beer and warm water, and add a spoonful of white wine to deodorize. After boiling the warm water to be added, turn the high heat to low heat and cook for two hours.
检验肉到底怎么样的标准很简单,就是用筷子戳一块肉,容易插进去就差不多就可以关火了。大功告成! Tips:老卤可以卤豆腐、鸡蛋什么味道都很赞。 The standard of whether you could eat the meat is very simple, that is to poke a piece of meat with chopsticks. If it's easy to insert it, you can turn off the fire. be accomplished! Tips: bittern can be used to marinate tofu and eggs.
下一把挂面,然后浇上一勺卤肉浇头,一碗牛肉面分分钟就进度了~~ Cook noodles, then pour a spoonful of marinated meat over it, and a bowl of beef noodles will be ready in short time~
二水乐活,精彩继续。感谢关注并转发,鞠躬~ 个人微信:yijiangjinyu;微信公众号:二水乐活(ershuilehuo) Hi 我是二水,俩娃的妈,生长在中原,成年后一直沿着海岸线奔跑,最不喜欢物理却和计算机供应链打交道数十年。感慨造物弄人,所以更加珍惜。爱读书,爱美食,谢谢你和我的分享~