Step 1: Cut the icy watermelon into small pieces. 步骤1:把冰西瓜切成小块。
Step 2: Put the watermelon pieces into the blender. 步骤2:把小块的西瓜放进长帝便捷果汁杯。
Step 3: Turn on the blender, and enjoy shaking it for about 30 seconds. 步骤3:按下果汁机电源,一边愉快地摇晃它大约半分钟。
Step 4: Just drink the juice with the blender cup at once, or pour it into a cup. It’s time for having fun! 步骤4:即刻用果汁杯享用你的西瓜汁吧!也可以倒到另外的杯子里。总之,享受甘甜的时刻到来啦!