把所有材料放进食物处理机中打碎至柔顺。 Dump everything into a food processor and process until very smooth.
烤盘里面抹一层油,把混合物倒进烤盘里。 Grease a pan and dump the batter in.
烤箱预热至350华氏度/176摄氏度,烤15-18分钟。 (想要偏软的就烤15分钟,想要外皮脆脆的就烤18分钟)。 Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350F/176c for 15-18 minutes.
从烤箱拿出来后至少晾凉十分钟再从烤盘里拿出来。 Remove from the oven and let it cool for at least 10 minutes before you try and remove it from the pan.