Chile de Arboly Guajillo Salsa 墨西哥辣酱的做法

Chile de Arboly Guajillo Salsa 墨西哥辣酱

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作者: daisy的笔记


Chile de Arboly Guajillo Salsa 墨西哥辣酱的做法步骤

步骤 1

Heat oil in a pan and cook the onion until slightly brown, add the garlic and cook more. Add the chiles and cook for 1-2 minutes. 锅中热油洋葱煸炒至微黄,加入蒜、再加入两种辣椒再炒1-2分钟。

步骤 2

Add the tomato and ¼ cup of water and simmer until the tomato breaks down, about 8-10 minutes.加入西红柿和¼杯水慢火煮至西红柿熟烂,大约8-10分钟。

步骤 3

Place the mixture in a blender and puree until smooth, add more water is necessary. Season with lime, salt and sugar and garnish with cilantro.将煮好的料打烂至顺滑,如有需要可再加点水。用青柠、盐和糖调味再用香菜碎装饰。

步骤 4

Server cold with fresh tortilla chips. 放冰箱冷藏后取出与炸卷饼片一起食用。

菜谱创建时间:2018-05-02 12:11:01