Cottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Pancakes的做法

Cottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

1311人浏览 112人收藏 5人做过
作者: AnnAnnaAnne
Original site: https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/cottage-cheese-banana-oatmeal-protein-pancakes/ Serving: 1


Cottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Pancakes的做法步骤

步骤 1
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until completely smooth, about 30 seconds.

步骤 2
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium low heat. Drop batter by 1/4 cup onto skillet. Add desired toppings such as chocolate chips or blueberries.

步骤 3
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Cook until bubbles appear on top. Flip cakes and cook until golden brown on underside.

步骤 4
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Wipe skillet clean and repeat with more cooking spray and remaining batter. Makes 3-4 pancakes

步骤 5
纯奶手撕吐司的做法 步骤1

Add any toppings and enjoy.

Cottage Cheese Banana Oatmeal Pancakes的小贴士

Note: 1 egg can be replaced by 2 egg whites.

菜谱创建时间:2018-04-22 16:10:30