鸡蛋和芥末提前放至室温。Bring the egg and mustard to room temperature in advance.
搅拌机中先把鸡蛋和芥末搅拌均匀,再缓慢逐次加入少量橄榄油,搅拌,至蛋黄酱成型。 Mix egg and mustard with a stick blender (or mixer) and add the oil slowly in a thin stream. The mayonnaise should set promptly. Continue to mix until all the oil has been added and the mayonnaise has thickened.
加入醋/柠檬汁,搅拌。加盐和胡椒粉调味。也可按需添加醋/柠檬汁。 Add vinegar/lemon juice. Mix some more and season with salt and pepper and perhaps more vinegar or lemon juice.
使用前将蛋黄酱入冰箱稍稍放置。使香味更浓,蛋黄酱更浓绸。 Let the mayonnaise rest in the fridge for a while before serving. The flavor develops further after a-while and the mayonnaise thickens further.
贴士:如伴海鲜使用请选择柠檬汁或白葡萄酒醋;如伴烤牛肉或其他冷盘,请选择红葡萄酒醋,但不要用香醋,因为它通常是加糖以及调色的,用这种醋会改变蛋黄酱的颜色。 TIP! Use lemon juice or white wine vinegar if you’re going to serve the mayonnaise with seafood. Use red-wine vinegar for roast beef and other cold cuts, but not balsamic vinegar. It’s commonly sweetened and colored and will discolor the mayonnaise.
另外,只要一个蛋黄就可以与约1升橄榄油混合制作蛋黄酱。所以如果你想制作更多蛋黄酱,只要多加一些油和芥末,香料和酸即可。 Extra! As a child I was taught by my grandmother that one egg yolk can bind as much as a whole quart (liter) of oil. In other words: if you want to make a bigger batch, just increase the amount of oil to 2, 3 or more cups. But don’t forget to increase the amount of mustard, spices and acid.