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Wash and peel the potatoes. Chop the potatoes and boil them until soft(about 20 minutes), then Drain them.取2颗土豆切成小块,放锅里中火煮20分钟。
Put the potatoes into a bowl. Add some black pepper then mash the potatoes. 在土豆上撒适量的黑胡椒,然后用叉子压成泥,待用。
Melt 10g butter over low heat. Add a clove of garlic, take out the garlic after it turns hot. 拿平底锅,放10克黄油,小火融化。放一瓣蒜,烧热后取出。
Cook Bacon till it turns golden.放培根,炒到培根金黄色时。
Add 50ml beer, 125ml cream and a little salt. Mix them and potatoes together. Put it on the plate.倒50ml啤酒,放125ml奶油和1g盐烧热放土豆泥。
Preheat oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, put Mozzarella Cheese on the mashed potatoes.烤箱上下火180预热10分钟,土豆泥撒上厚厚的马苏里拉芝士放入烤箱
Place on highest shelf of oven and bake at 180 degree for about 15 minutes. When cheese turns golden brown, it can be taken out.上下火180入上层烤15分钟,到马苏里拉奶酪变金黄就大功告成啦了。
Finally,Mixing vanilla.最后撒上混合香草,香喷喷美味的土豆泥就大功告成啦~
一口冰凉爽口淡色艾尔 一口香滑美味的芝士焗土豆 有时候,人生就是那么容易满足呐 小贴士:啤酒可以代替 如果觉得是好菜谱,帮我打开链接关注下公众号,公众号会经常有关于啤酒的活动及研究的啤酒菜谱。 突然发现啤酒真的不错,经过高温它已经完全没有的酒味,而且做出来的菜非常的清爽。比料酒真的好用好多,料酒的味道太重了。。。。如果喜欢我,请关注我把!!!谢谢大家