抹茶奶冻 Matcha Green Tea and Milk Jelly的做法

抹茶奶冻 Matcha Green Tea and Milk Jelly

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作者: 丁霖Crystal
以茶筅在热水中搅拌而化的抹茶,乃是传统茶道庆典不可或缺的点缀。当抹茶遇上牛奶和糖,这醇厚芳香又略带苦涩的粉末立刻散发出柔和丰润的味道。这道菜谱中的用料仅为单个模型盘的量,4个1/4量杯(每个50ml)的果冻,可自行加量用更大的容器来做。 Matcha powdered green tea is an essential feature of the traditional tea ceremony, where it is prepared using a bamboo whisk, and mixed with hot water. When combined with sugar and milk, however, this thick, fragrant, and slightly bitterowder yields a mellow and rounded taste. The recipe for this matcha and milk jelly dessert is for serving in individual molds, but you can also make the jelly in a large bowl and scoop out servings, especially fun for casual occasions.


抹茶奶冻 Matcha Green Tea and Milk Jelly的做法步骤

步骤 1

将2.5汤匙白砂糖和1茶匙抹茶粉在小碗中搅拌均匀,将吉利丁片在冷水中浸泡10分钟 (如果用的是粉状吉利丁,溶解一步可省略,直接将吉利丁粉与糖和抹茶粉混合)。 Combine the sugar and tea powder in a small bowl. Soak the gelatin in plenty of water to hydrate for 10 minutes. (If using powdered gelatin, skip this step and combine with sugar and match powdered green tea.)

步骤 2

将牛奶倒入奶锅中以小火加热,感觉牛奶有些烫手时(或以温度计测达到60度时),将浸过水的吉利丁片拧干后放入热牛奶中,用橡皮刮刀慢慢搅拌融化,注意牛奶不要煮沸。 Pour the milk in a small saucepan over low heat. When the milk feels a little hot to the skin (or reaches 140'F/60'C), wring the water out of the sheet gelatin by hand and add gelatin to the hot milk. Gently stir using a rubber spatula until it melts. Do not bring to a boil.

步骤 3

将一部分牛奶混合物倒入抹茶粉混合物中,搅成糊状。将剩余的牛奶一点点逐次加入,用橡皮刮刀慢慢搅拌。用纱布过滤牛奶抹茶混合物中的杂质,然后将过滤后的混合物倒入果冻模型里,冷却到室温,再放入冰箱2小时或以上,直至成型。 Pour a little of the milk mixture into the bowl of sugar and powdered green tea, and mix to make a paste. Add the rest of the milk little by little, gently mixing with a rubber spatula. Strain through a fine cloth, such as a gauze, into a separate bowl and pour into individual jelly molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for 2 hours or more until set.

步骤 4

将3汤匙白砂糖、4茶匙抹茶粉和4汤匙热开水混合,放入冰箱冷冻。 Combine all the ingredients for the sauce and mix thoroughly. Chill in the refrigerator.

步骤 5

将做好的果冻模型取出,浸入温水中,保持几秒。取出模型,用碟子倒扣在模型顶部。用力紧扣模型和碟子,同时翻转,果冻滑出模型至碟子上。如果不成功,反复浸泡温水并倒扣。将步骤4中做好的酱料淋在果冻上,即可。 Dip the mold into warm water, almost to the depth of the jelly, and hold for a few seconds. Lift the mold out of the water, and place a serving dish on top of the mold. Hold the dish and the mold firmly together, and invert the mold to slip the jelly onto the dish. If the jelly does not slip from the mold, dip in water again and repeat the inversion process. Spoon the sauce over each jelly.

抹茶奶冻 Matcha Green Tea and Milk Jelly的小贴士

1. 市面上有各种类型的吉利丁,但众多达人都更喜欢用片状吉利丁,因为它不用另外再用特定量的水来溶解。吉利丁片或吉利丁粉单包的重量因地域、品牌都不同,单片吉利丁从2.5g到3.5g不等,所以不要以包或片为单位来计算,一定要按重量。There are many varieties of gelatin, but many professionals prefer to use sheet gelatin since it does not need a precise amount of liquid to soften. The weight of one package of sheet gelatin or powder gelatin differs from country to country, and from brand to brand. I have seen sheet weights of 2.5 to 3.5 g, so always measure gelatin by weight, not by package. 2. 粉状吉利丁,美国的Knox牌每包7g,即2.5或3茶匙;英国的Dr. Oetker每包11g。通常,7g吉利丁能凝结2量杯(500 ml)的液体。溶解吉利丁粉一般需要额外的水(不注明在食谱中),但在这个食谱中可以忽略不计。

菜谱创建时间:2015-05-13 10:55:23